Friday, February 13, 2009

1st Church of Musky Fishing

I attended church today at the Milwaukee Musky Fishing Sports Show. I went in support of my neighbor, Kevin Moore, a guide who gave a talk on 'Fishing High Pressured Water.' What stood out in my mind were the similarities between a local evangelical church and what I found at the Musky Show. The demographics were homogeneous -to each context -in both the church and the Musky Show, the comparable dress code (jeans, and 2 day old stubble, and a fishing cap vs. business casual found in most churches), both took an offering ($10 entrance fee at the door vs. voluntary giving as part of the service), the unique inside vocabulary (I listened to my neighbor's 45 minute presentation, and understood about 1/2 of it vs. a similar employment of an inside 'religious' vocabulary used in church), and repeated references to what I call, 'local heroes' (I met the man who holds the world record for largest Musky vs. the 'local heroes' w/n the church of Rob Bell, Mark Driscoll and Andy Stanley).

And as is the case for many... I didn't feel like I fit in. Unfamiliar with the dress code, vocabulary, the local heroes, or the demographic of the show... Maybe the Evangelical Church can learn from the 1st Church of Musky!


David Rudd said...

well said...

i find it similar when i go to gymnastics meets with first time parents and have to explain so much of what is going on because it's such a foreign experience...

gives me pause to think about how we "explain" some of the things we do.

Anonymous said...

David, I think that experiences like this are helpful for Pastors… experiencing what it is like to be on the ‘other’ side can only increase our effectiveness!