God bless my parents. They really wanted to instill solid Christian values in me and surrounded me with Christian books and records. But hanging on my wall, over my bed was a painting that truly gave me great fear. It was a painting of Dallas Texas, at the moment of Jesus' return. Of course the idea that Jesus would appear at Dallas is a given! You'd think that a painting of Jesus would bring joy, but not to me. This painting depicts buses crashing off the highway, cars ramming into each other, and, even more terrifying, is a plane crashing into one of Dallas' skyscrapers...! Click on the painting to take a closer look, and then tell me your opinion of it!
My parents hung a 'cute' poster, with a sort of Ziggy character on it. It said "You can't love God and hate your brother".
But I did love God.
And I did hate my brother. And that poster.
My nightmare was that I was on the school bus and I was the only one left behind. I just could not bring myself to get on the bus for several months.
Bless those catechism teachers!
It definately gets disturbing as soon as your eyes aren't focused on Jesus...
I find the images coming out of the cemetary to rather interesting. Is there bibllical reference to soul rising from the grave?
Revelation, by it's unique nature, lends itself to widely varying interpretations. How does one accurately determine exactly what John means by the images he portrays? Some of them are obvious in their depiction while others are extremely difficult to ascertain. I think we need to look at Revelation in its entirety and as a part of the whole Bible. After all, it is just one chapter of the entire book. Admitedly the final chapter, but, nonetheless, just one chapter.
Also, Jesus said, in Matt.24:36, "No one knows about that day or hour, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father". So how much can we really discern from Revelation about the end times? I think much of it speaks to people at any time. It speaks to people of all ages and times about what is truth and what is truly important in life here while on earth. If I may again refer to Ravi, keeping a strong foundation in the dimension of eternity. It is vitally important that we keep that eternal perspective to our lives. Although we are in this world, we are not to be of this world. Revelation, in this sense,is very helpful.
Kerry, yes the Bible does mention that when Jesus returns, '...the dead in Christ will rise first.' -See I Thessalonians 4 for this overview...
Hello, in the letter to Pergamum, is Balaam related to the idea of Baal?
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