Sunday, September 8, 2013

Embrace the Mess -Sunday Morning Leftovers- September 8th, 2013

Southbrook is in a state of tremendous flux. We are now at three services, adding additional staff, building a new parking lot, and preparing for a future building campaign.  It has been great to meet so many people who are coming to find a church home at Southbrook.

Being on Sabbatical for the past three months, I thought it best to start our year with a talk about Southbrook's Purpose and Identity.

Luke 15 teaches us two truths that speaks to Southbrook's heartbeat.  God Actively Seeks the Lost and our need to Embrace the Mess.

Just as God searches us out, it is our desire to seek out those who don't know Him.  Just as Jesus embraced the mess of those he connected with, so too should we.  Southbrook continues to be motivated by the fact revealed by the most recent census data which shows that there are 1 million unchurched people in a three county area...

How can we seek out those who do not know God?
-Open our eyes to the opportunities God regularly sends us
-Look for common ground
-Live our faith -our actions often speak louder than our words
-Invite someone to Church - statistics show one in four will come along!

I have attended churches that put on a facade of perfection, and never felt like I belonged. Many have shared similar church experiences.  I would much rather we be authentic and transparent, then pretend we have our acts all together...

So are you willing to have the same heartbeat for those who do not know God -as God does?  Are you willing to embrace the mess of those around us, for a chance to tell them about Jesus?

I am and I hope you are too...

-Any questions or comments, leave them below.

Thanks to Erin P. for creating this image after hearing todays sermon.


Leslie's Little Devotional said...

Recently the Lord has shown me that there is tremendous freedom when we "embrace the mess". I don't have to be perfect or have it all together. Sometimes my life can feel like those times when company is coming so you just throw everything in the closet and push the door shut. It looks good on the surface because that is the facade we are supposed to put on. However, like the closet, we're a mess. We just hide it well. All that to say, I'm grateful for your brave declaration that "We are a mess"! It is awesome to be part of a body that embraces the mess.

Anonymous said...

I was really excited about the prisoner in the Racine County jail who is hoping to attend Southbrook upon his release. Kudos to the prison ministry team. BUT THEN, I thought about a certain close relative who will be released from prison soon, and I really don't want him to come to Southbrook. What a hypocrite I am! I really am part of the MESS! Praying God will soften my heart for the ex-con in my life.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Jonathan -- wondering why you did not use the GPS feature before tearing the house apart looking for the phone? ;)

Jonathan Misirian said...

Thanks Darrell. I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed...!