Wednesday, June 11, 2014

12 Questions Needs Your Help

Southbrook Church's 2014 Summer Series is called 12 Questions. 

I don't know about you, but I often struggle with doubt and questions about my faith in Christ.

Rather than run from these questions, this summer we are going to embrace them and learn together from God's Word.

Here is the lineup of topics that we will be talking about this summer at Southbrook Church.

  • Why Pray?
  • Why do bad things happen to good people?
  • Why did Jesus have to die?
  • Is following Jesus worth all the struggles that I am going through?
  • Is Satan real?
  • Why read the Bible?
  • How can I share God at Work?
  • Can I really know God's will for my life?
  • Why isn't being good, good enough?

We intentionally made room to address a few more of your questions.  So what are some other topics that we should address in our 12 Questions series?


  1. I find myself trying to help so many people I know either financially, giving of my time, my talents and always trying to help others with their issues by listening and being available. But I find that when I need someone to listen or be there for me ... People don't have the time. How can I stop feeling like a doormat without going against everything I feel God asks us to do. I feel like I give everything I have to others but don't make time for myself enough and sometimes not enough time for God. Then that gives me even more quilt, because god is the one I should be giving my time to. Conflicted! How can you be a good Christian and a Proverbs 31 women and feel this way at times.

  2. Thanks for wanting us to be involved in this summers sermons.

  3. What does it mean to truly be humble? i.e. hugging the leper, embracing the sex offender, befriending the homosexual, to be seen with the ungodly and meeting people where they are at. We are all broken, just in different ways.

  4. Can we forgive as God forgives? God forgets sin 'as far as the east is from the west', but He also is a God of perfect justice and is able to punish sin. Should we even try to forget wrongs done to us? Isn't forgetting sin something else from forgiving sin? We are to leave the revenge to God and we need to forgive ourselves often and ask others to forgive us. What is forgiveness anyway?
