Thursday, January 14, 2010

Haiti: Pat Robertson's Hell

Haiti suffered a devastating earthquake on Tuesday, January 12th, 2009. The global community responded with significant amounts of aid, resources, prayers and assistance. Predictably, within a day of this tragedy, religious conservative Pat Robertson, television host of The 700 Club, claimed that Haiti was ‘cursed, because it swore a pact with the devil.’
Tragic remarks to say the least… let me offer a few thoughts…

1. Consider the source. Robertson blamed 9/11 on ‘Democrats, Feminists, and the ACLU.’ The Indonesian Tsunami was ‘God’s punishment.’ Hurricane Katrina the result of a city that had ‘turned its back on God.’
2. The Bible does speak of judgment, but judgment that is directed toward the individual that rejects God, rather then a political entity.
3. Robertson’s comments increase the calamity for regardless of the source of tragedy, Christians are called to care, love and to provide compassion.

It is difficult to be charitable and model Christian love to someone who is so brashly nothing more then an opportunist garbed in religious clothing.

Human nature constantly draws us backwards, searching for an answer to the great ‘why’ questions in life… Jesus constantly pulls us forward, reminding us that each positive event, each devastating tragedy can be redeemed if it draws us closer to Him.
Update: best response so far: author Don Miller... Read it here

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