Friday, February 24, 2012

The All-Access VIP Pass

Have you ever had the chance to go behind the scenes or were given an All-Access VIP Pass?  With a VIP Pass -restricted areas are opened and celebrities are now accessible!  You get to see and experience events and people that others can only dream about.

During college I had the chance to get a behind-the-scenes look at a funeral home in Charleston, West Virginia.  A friend's father owned the business and they granted me access to everything, including watching the embalming process on a recently deceased man.  During those same college years I volunteered in the Racine, Wisconsin County Jail's Chaplain's Office.   It was fascinating to see how a Jail daily operated.

We view these times as more than just cool experiences; for they give us a deeper appreciation and perspective on life that we would usually miss.  It is in this light that we view Revelation Chapters 4 and 5.  In these two chapters John is given an All-Access VIP Pass into Heaven!  Imagine how he felt and what he saw!  Revelations Chapter 4 and 5 are jammed packed with amazing imagery, head-scratching creatures and the brightest of colors!

Our human post-enlightenment mindset is to ask questions such as, 'Why do the creatures of Revelation Chapter 4 have eyes all over their bodies?'  'What is the meaning of the rainbow surrounding the Throne?'  Why do the creatures have 6 wings each? etc...'

These are all great questions and we have a right to ask.  But the vision John describes for us is not meant to be broken down into its individual parts.  We are best to stand back -and look -and be amazed at the glory and wonder of God on His Throne!

This is a challenging chapter so read it through, pray over what you read, and then drop in your questions and comments!

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