Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Holy Tape Measures ... Digging into Revelation Chapter 11.1-2

Many scholars consider Revelation Chapter 11 one of the most challenging sections in the Book of Revelation. It is packed not only with Old Testament images and allusions, but with people and actions that require the reader to make clear interpretative positions.

Keep in mind that Chapters 10 and 11 are considered interludes (between the sixth and seventh trumpets) in the drama of Revelation. In Chapter 10, John is instructed to eat the scroll, which would initially taste like honey, but would be sour in his stomach. Chapter 11 shows us why the scroll was both sweet and sour.

God orders John to measure the temple, specifically those inside the temple; and to exclude the outer courts of the temple. This measuring is reminiscent of God's command to Ezekiel (600BC) to go and measure the temple (Ezekiel 40-42). The measuring action is a dramatic way of showing who belongs to God. Some will be counted as part of God's family, others will be counted as outside of God's family. In Revelations, the word ‘Temple’ always refers to the heavenly Temple vs. an actual Temple.

In Revelation 11.2 we are told that the enemies will ‘trample on the Holy City for 42 months.’ There are different possibilities for this specific time designation:

1. 3 1/2 year length of time is found in Daniel 7 and 9.
2. 3 1/2 year drought in the time of Elijah - I Kings 17.1
3. 42 months is the length of the wilderness wanderings -Numbers 33
4. Reference to Jewish suffering under Syrian King Antiochus Epiphanes in 167-164 BC.

Noted Revelations scholar Robert Mounce, declares that the period of 42 months, ‘...became a standard symbol for a limited period of time during which evil would be allowed free reign.’  NICNT: Revelations, pg. 215.  This means that the 42 months represents a general period of suffering vs. a specific length of time...

John is asked to replicate the prophet Ezekiel’s actions of measuring the Temple. The point of this measuring of God’s People and those who oppose God, is to show that God divides people according to their relationship with Him. This isn’t politically correct and goes against our American zeitgeist, but it is the Truth.

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