Sunday, September 15, 2013

Sunday Morning Leftovers - September 15th, 2013


I mentioned in one of the services today that King David reminds me of James Bond, Bill Clinton and Billy Graham all rolled together.  Here is why: In some ways David is like James Bond: always victorious in battle and with many beautiful women by his side. He is like Bill Clinton -reaching the political pinnacle of success, but unable to control his personal lusts. David also reminds me of Billy Graham in that he has a unique connection to God.

Today's sermon covered a couple of chapters in First Samuel, setting the stage for David to be King. One of the things we learned today is, 'God may give us what we want, even if it is not what we need.' The challenge for us is not to present God with our list of wants/needs; but instead seek God's desire for our lives and then we follow.

I love the fact that God chose David for a Purpose and a Destiny.  David was as insignificant as humanly possible.  His own father didn't even think that he was worthy enough to come and visit when the Prophet Samuel arrived.  He lacked everything that a leader needs, except one thing: David had a heart for God.  David's Purpose was to experience God's love and his Destiny was to reflect God's love to his people.

As I think of young David being chosen to be the next King, it hits me that there are some similarities between David and Jesus... Can you think of some similarities between David being chosen to be king and Jesus' early years?

Send in your answers or any questions in the Comments section below...


Unknown said...

The first one I think of is they both showed great respect for authority.

Freddie P said...

David rose to popularity by slaying Goliath.... however eventually his popularity would turn to hostility (especially by Saul) .... Likewise, as Jesus rose to popularity (i.e., miracles) the same path to hostility on the part of the "religious" leaders --- in both cases the leadership of the time became unsettled... each leadership scenario had an sort of a sense of entitlemetn "wait, I didn't give you permission to be popular... How dare you". Likewise, God gave them permission while others were too stuck on themselves to notice.

Kerry S. said...

The first similarity I thought of was that David, as a young boy, was tending sheep..... a job that no one really admired. Jesus tended to His flock as well....a flock made up of broken, unwanted people who no one wanted to be around.
Also, Jesus was ever faithful to His father. It seems to me that David, with all his problems, will remain faithful too.

Mark Elstad said...

Both came from the same bloodline. Both were relatively insignificant people, David a shepherd and Jesus a carpenter's son. Both sought God's will for their lives rather than seeking power and fame for themselves. Both were selected by God for very special and specific purposes and had the favor of God. Both earned the love and respect of their closest followers and the love of one special friend, Jonathan/David and Peter/Jesus.