Sunday, May 20, 2012

Sunday Left-Overs May 20th, 2012

Sunday at Southbrook Church we talked through some exciting plans that are in the works. But more important then the plans, was the theme of how we see God at work. Former Senior Pastor of Elmbrook Church Stuart Briscoe, once said, 'When God gives you a green light you go till He gives you a red.'

God has presented Southbrook with a unique opportunity and has shown us green lights every step of the way. Have you seen this Green Light/Red Light principle at work in your life? How so?  Comment, share a story and be encouraged at the power of God in our lives..!

1 comment:

Deb Overturf said...

When I decided to go back to school in the fall of '92 for a teaching license, everything seemed so overwhelming. I remember being in the Warhawk library and looking for the card catalog. Well, during the years since I'd been away, everything was put on computer; there was no card catalog, and unfortunately, I had never touched a computer.

Then, I became employed part-time with the Johnson Creek School System while attending Whitewater, and suddenly I had a mentor, Georgia Lee. She helped me overcome obstacles that I really thought would kill me.

God was with me all along, and he put all the right people, including Georgia Lee, on my path. It was an amazing time. I wish I'd been more aware that God was with me.....

Most recently, God has led me to Southbrook, and I am so grateful!