Sunday, July 8, 2012

Sunday Left-Overs July 8th, 2012 or 'Doing the Electric Slide with Moses!'

Today at Southbrook we turned our attention to Revelation Chapter 19.  This passage takes us on a tour, beginning with Heaven.  When you think of Heaven, what images or ideas come to your mind?

Four times in this passage, heavens inhabitants shout 'Hallelujah' -literally 'praise to God,' for His mighty acts of justice and righteousness.  The author, John, describes Heaven as a 'wedding banquet!'  Now just think about that for a moment... Heaven isn't a boring place, but it is filled with the excitement and joy that we would find at a Wedding Party!  

In verse 11 a shift occurs, and we see Jesus as a mighty warrior, coming to avenge evil and injustice.  Jesus' clothes are covered in blood and a sword comes from His mouth.  He arrives to fight and comes in a victory formation!  I love this middle section of Revelation 19, because we see Jesus arriving as if the battle has already been won.  This isn't arrogance; rather it is holy certainty! For when Jesus rose from the dead, conquering the power of Sin, Satan's ultimate defeat was just a matter of time....

Two Invitations are issued, Two Dinners are held, and Two Destinies are at stake...!

Now, as you read through Revelation Chapter 19, what stands out in your mind?  Send in your questions and let us continue discussing this life-changing section of Scripture!

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