Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Warrior Jesus Imagery -Revelation 19

Think of Jesus, go ahead think of Him right now.  More than likely the image is common and reassuring: like Jesus holding a lamb or a child.  While these images are accurate, they probably say more about how we want Jesus to be than about how Jesus actually is!

In Revelation Chapter 19 we meet Warrior Jesus.  No cute lambs or bushy haired children are present.  Instead Jesus comes with a sword and a bloodied robe.  He comes ready for battle and for destruction.

Revelation 19.11-13 depicts Jesus with powerful terms and images.  We find seven different themes in this sobering view of Jesus.  Let's take a deeper look at the story behind each image...

1. Jesus is called 'Faithful and True.'  This phrase builds off of Chapter 1.5 and Chapter 3.14.   Jesus is shown to be faithful in His actions and true in His justice.  As His followers are called to be faithful in a hostile world, Jesus exists as the purest example of faithfulness!

2. 'With justice he judges and makes war.' Since the Dragon and the Beast have made war against God, Jesus goes to war against them.... This is the law of retribution that is found so strongly throughout the book of Revelation.

3. 'Eyes are like blazing fire.' This phrase refers to Daniel 10 verse 6.  One commentary states that the fiery eyes, 'refers to the penetrating vision by which God discerns all and the fiery judgment that will result from his all-seeing discernment.'

4. 'On his head are many crowns.'  This phrase is a direct attack on the Roman Empire and Caesar's rule. Caesar wore an earthly crown, but here Jesus wears the true crown and is the only 'King of Kings!'

5. 'Name that no one knows except himself.'  We remember that Jesus promised the residents of Pergamum (2.17) a 'new name.' Various interpretations exist to what this name means.  It very well could be a name of Jesus that is revealed only in the End Times.

6. 'He is dressed in a robe dipped in blood.'  Is this Jesus' blood -a reference to his sacrifice on the cross, or the blood of the martyrs, or the blood of His enemies?  All are great possibilities, but the context is a battle, and so we assume that this refers to the blood of His enemies.  See Isaiah 63.1-3 for more insight on this possibility.

7. 'His name is the Word of God.'  This is the only place in the New Testament where Jesus is called 'The Word of God!'  This title shows that He is speaking for God and that His message comes from God.

These images are packed together to show the power and authority of the Warrior Jesus.  He comes to vindicate the saints, to right past wrongs and to exercise divine judgment upon the forces of evil.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

There are too few images like the one posted, Jesus came here humbly, but He will return as a King and Warrior.

Reminding myself of that helps me fear God, when I start to become complacent in my faith, we are in a war.

Thanks for the post.