Monday, June 17, 2013

Monday Morning Sabbatical -June 17th, 2013

Bible Cliff Notes, King David and an 8th Grade Graduation

Week two of my Southbrook Summer 2013 Sabbatical is in the books; and what a week it was!

Our son Jacob, graduated from 8th grade and it was exciting to see him walk across the stage at his graduation ceremony.  Of course this means that Lynn and I are getting older, which is exacerbated by the fact that our 13 year old son wears size 12 shoes and is around 6 feet tall.  What happened to how things used to be?!

Truly enjoying the time to be replenished, though sincerely miss the people of Southbrook Church.

Had lunch with my friend Erica, who encouraged me to take some time this summer for a solitude retreat.  So in August I will be spending 5 days alone...  Thanks to generous Church friends who loaned me their cabin!

Blessed to have some time with dear friends John and Dolores.  John was diagnosed with inoperable cancer.  They spoke of their love for God and how He and His people are helping them with the strength that they need.

Spent a day studying doing future sermon preparation.  Looking forward to digging into the Life of David this fall.  Thinking about calling the series: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly.  What do you think?

Enjoyed my time with Pastor Mark, who is the lead pastor at The Ridge Church in Greenfield.  We toured each other’s churches and learned about each others ministries.  Lynn and I went to the Ridge on Sunday and it was great to see a full house of people worshipping and being fed by Pastor Mark.

Thanks to Dr. Evil (you know who you are), for giving me the Cliff Notes of the Bible.  I am sure that this will be a solid assist to me...!  Finally something at my level.

Saw the new Superman Movie with the family.  Didn’t realize that it was going to be a biography.

While driving to the movie on Saturday, we saw groups of people from Southbrook Church outside the Franklin Police Department, serving through our Compassion Weeks.... How wonderful it was to see these men and women serve Jesus by serving the City!

Humbled and Hungry....

1 comment:

Sue P said...

Love the plan to look into the life of David. Maybe the series could be called "As the World Turns" or "Days of Our Lives". It would be hard to even create such drama! We miss you too but very glad you have taken this time to enter the Lord's Sabbath rest!