Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Pastor Fashion Faux Pas

Fashion and I have long been at odds, kind of like the Cubs and .500.  Recently a friend of my wife's told her that she enjoys coming to Southbrook Church because she likes 'my style.'  This brought rolls of laughter from my wife, and a 'hurumph' from me.

Two pairs of pants and a rotation of about seven shirts is about it for me.  Growing up in Church, I've seen it all: dark green suits, brown checked ties, purple pants, and t-shirts that are too tight.

What are some stories of Pastor Fashion Faux Pas' that you've personally experienced?  Share them in the Comments Section below...


Unknown said...

Attended a church in Minneapolis where the pastor wore dress shoes without socks every Sunday. How did I know? Because you could see his white ankles!

Erin Perham said...

Growing up my two grandfathers were ministers, and one of them was an avid golfer. The running joke was that he was always dressed & ready to play nine holes under his robe.

gracie said...

My favorite is when my dad, a pastor, wore a Christmas tie that played music when you pressed it. Well, he was preaching, leaned forward into the pulpit, and right in the most serious point of his sermon the church heard Jingle Bells. The funniest part was my Dad's face as he tried to figure out where the music was coming from...


Unknown said...

My Dad and Uncle (both Lutheran ministers) had big thick Elvis style sideburns during the 70s, very cool man.