Sunday, March 11, 2012

Sunday Left-Overs Revelation 6 March 11 2012

Today we meet the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse.  As Jesus opens the scroll and its first Four Seals, John sees Four Horsemen riding across the pages of History.  The Four Horsemen represent the Lust for more/Conquest, War, Famine/Economic hardship, and finally Death.  They show the effects of our sin; as the cycle of the the Four Horsemen has continued from the first bite of the apple -till today.

It is easy to identify how the Four Horsemen have galloped across empires and civilizations.  It is easy to see their pernicious actions in countries and institutions.  The challenge for us is to look inward and see how the Four Horsemen are at work in our lives, in our actions, in our hearts.  The Book of James, Chapter 1, verse 15 tells us that sin always leads to death.  This is true on a physical level (just look at the news for the latest sports/celebrity hero who died due to drugs or alcohol abuse).  But the reality is that there are many ways to die: physically sure, but there is emotional death, relational death, and even spiritual death.

The good news is found with the Sixth Seal, as God promises to return and to upend the world.  This is the 'Day of the Lord' that is prophesied in the Old Testament and that Jesus himself spoke about.  When Jesus returns he will banish death and there will be no more pain or suffering.... Only praise and worship of the Lamb who is Worthy!

As you study Chapter 6, what question or comments do you have?  Leave them in the comment section and let's continue our Journey together through Revelations!

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