Thursday, January 30, 2014

Follow me into the Deep

Deep waters are unsafe.  Have you ever had that moment of swimming in the ocean and suddenly realizing that you are far from shore -and all you can think of is a scene from Jaws?

Deep waters lead to uncertainty.  Once when swimming in a lake Up North, I saw a silvery oval shape pass deep below me. It freaked me out until a few hours later when I realized it was a turtle swimming deeper than I.

Deep waters require courage.  A few years ago, I navigated a canoe along the inland water passageways in upstate NY. I felt safer when we were nearer the shore -as you could see the bottom and quickly swim to the land.  However, traversing the open waterway brought fear and dread.

In Luke 5.1-11, we find a simple story where Jesus calls some local fisherman out to deep waters. Experienced fisherman knew that going into the deep waters -during the day- is pointless.  No net would be long enough to descend to where the fish were hiding.  The fishermen relent, follow Jesus to the deep and experience a once-in-a-lifetime catch of fish.

It seems to me, that Jesus often calls us to the Deep Waters of our lives.  He wants us to follow him in ways that may seem unsafe, uncertain and that might require courage. Maybe it is showing up at Church for the first time in some years, or joining a study, or taking a meal to the neighbor across the street. Two other pastors that I serve with at Southbrook Church, both were active at Church -as regular normal people -before leaving their jobs and coming on staff. They followed Jesus into the uncertainty of becoming a Pastor.

It may be that God is calling you into the deep, to an area that seems out of your comfort zone. Instead of fighting this call, embrace it as this may be exactly where God wants you to be.


g. said...

Jonathan, Good stuff. Deep is good!
Incase some might think your example of being called to a church position isn't for them here's my 2cents.

For over thirty years I had given myself over to serving Jesus & others through His local church. Not too long ago, I took a timeout from all local church activities. I used that time to focus on how to draw nearer to Jesus (James 4:8).

Of course God showed up & I was wrecked! He thrusted me into depths of His love in ways I can't even begin to articulate! I do know, that now I'm so free from me that I am totally free in Him.

My comfort zone has been scattered, my calling is His calling & it's God & love others! Through my obedience in living out the calling, I get to encourage, bless & love on those God puts in my path everyday!

Realizing just how much God loves me has changed my identity of who I am in Christ! It's an awesome place to be!

...that you, being rooted and grounded in love, may be able to comprehend with all the saints what is the width and length and depth and height— to know the love of Christ which passes knowledge; that you may be filled with all the fullness of God. (Eph 3:17-19 NKJV)

My 2cents,

Unknown said...

I have a little different perspective on deep water having sailed on Lake Michigan since I was 6 months old, I am more comfortable in deep water, even (especially for me) in severe storms. You can't hit rocks or other objects that damage your hull, trees and flying debris are less likely to hit you. Many accounts are written about boats found drifting in the ocean and the sailor panicked, left the boat, and died at sea. Staying in a proper vessel in deep water is the safest place you can be.

So why are we afraid of going out in the deep water Christ calls us to especially when he's our vessel to keep us safe?