Monday, January 13, 2014

Sunday Morning Left-Overs - Finding My Purpose in Life

Finding our Purpose in Life can be complex and confusing, right?  There are so many competing answers and conflicting ideas that shape our perception of our Life's Purpose.

Over the past few weeks I've had the chance to ask many people about their life's purpose.  The answers varied from, 'I have no idea,' to 'leaving the world a better place.'

To this end, there is an entire industry devoted to helping people identify their purpose in life; yet at the same time so many of us are unable to identify our Life's Purpose.
Jesus was once asked, 'What is the greatest commandment?'  The question was a trap, a bomb thrown at him hoping it would explode.  Jesus' reply is found in Matthew 22, "Love God and Love Others.'

Love God and Love Others seems so simple, and in some ways it is.  But to do so brings radical change to our life.   Loving God means surrendering to Jesus, obeying His commands and placing him first in our lives.  Loving Others means putting their needs first, and celebrating the value that comes from a result of being created in God's image.

Why do you think that there are so many competing answers to the question, 'What is your Life's Purpose?'

Have you found Loving God and Loving Others to be easy or difficult?


Unknown said...

Impact full message. God is trying to get to me through it and what I just read here: here

Unknown said...

I believe that what seem to be competing answers to our purpose in life stem from a simple lack of focus - something certainly more difficult to maintain in fhis culture. Competing answers seem to come from our inability to see that God is present in every aspect of my life - in my workplace, in my family life, as I go into the grocery store and the library. He is there, and nudging me toward loving others just where I am, and what ever it takes. Budgeting, so that I can buy someone a cup of coffee in Jesus name; taking a moment to observe and ask how someone is really doing - then being courageous enough to pray on the spot.
As I am learning to parent, I find that some of my greatest joy these days, and a way of my kids expressing love to me, is when I observe my kids blessing one another. Does our Heavenly Dad experience that same joy? I see His desire for it all over the scriptures!
Today I will take on the challenge to Love God and Love Others - wherever He takes me.