Sunday, January 19, 2014

Sunday LeftOvers: Getting into Church - January 19th, 2014

Johnny Carson's life is both tragic and instructive.  A few months ago our family watched a Netflix biography about the former Tonight Show host.  We had thought it would be a collection of his funniest bits and jokes, but instead it told the story of his personal life.  He longed to be loved and truly known.  Deprived of his mother's approval, his four marriages and numerous affairs testify to his search for acceptance.

Johnny's quest to be truly known and personally loved is one that Christians will affirm- is ultimately found in Christ.  The Christian world view states that we are created in the image of God, and therefore we are created with a desire to belong to something greater than ourselves.  Everything that we are to do as followers of Christ, we are to do in community with one another.

Connecting with a local church can be a trying experience.  We've either been hurt by church, felt the sting of an icy glare, or even betrayed by a friend...  But for as much as we may have been hurt in the past, we need to belong, we need to connect, we were created to be a part of the Church.

If you do not have a church home, then let me encourage to start the process of landing in a church that will help you grow in your relationship with Christ.... it is the most rewarding thing you can do!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Truly connecting with a church, especially personally connecting with individual members of a church, is a challenge for anyone. This challenge can be even more burdensome for people that are not outgoing and are intimidated by the thought of jumping into church activities. Many churches do a good job of welcoming new members as they enter the doors. Few continue to do a good job reaching out to help them connect individually when they are intimidated. People are left feeling like outsiders looking at the groups that are already established and know each other well.