Thursday, January 16, 2014

Hurt by Church

My role as Pastor has me meeting many people. On one level this is quite humorous, at least to my wife.  While dating in College, I was not a people person, and had to be coaxed into talking to others. She reminds me how I told her mother, that all I wanted in life was to be left to myself in a room full of books...!

Now I find myself continually with others, but honestly, most of my meetings are spent listening. For whatever reason most of the stories that I have recently heard involve people being hurt by Church.

A profound sadness comes over me after hearing these stories.  Seeing the heartbreak and the pain of others -at the hands of those who should know better- is both difficult to hear and to process. Following Christ is difficult enough, but to feel sabotaged by fellow Christ-followers - often leaves us broken.

Why is this?  Does your past church experience involve heartache and difficulty?

I'm closing in on 20 years in full-time vocational ministry and have observed a few sources of pain and heartache:
-Leaders whose insecurities guide their actions
-Followers who project too much authority to their pastors
-Leadership Teams who fail to ask the tough questions
-Pastors who use their power for personal gain
-Pastors who fail to serve in ways that humble themselves
-Members who view others through the lens of their past hurts

So my plea to you is this, if you have been hurt by Church...
-Please give it another try
-Realize that your pastor and those around you often carry wounds
-Understand that the joy of a solid community can negate the pain of past hurts
-Affirm that at some point you too may have hurt another person

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think much like family and friendships, our church relationships hold so much emotion, and with that the ability to cause hurt. I have always believed that the enemy attacks good things, and why not tear down one of the things that grows our relationship with God, that being relationships with others. Much like we are called to be the light of the world, we need to have the same perspective in church...which is where we share our hope with the hurt and healing. It hinders the cause of Christ when we do the hurting... Great discussion